Practice makes perfect
Philip Harmsen
2 September 2020 - 25 September 2020
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Every year in September EXboot shows HKU Vers: the most remarkable graduation work for a student of the Hogeschool van de Kunsten Utrecht. This year EXboot chose the work of Philip Harmsen.
With his work, Philip wants to show the importance of active awareness in self-development. In a state of active consciousness, right or wrong no longer has any meaning; both are equally important parts of what can be learned. The work invites you to try, succeed, fail, register and learn; even if the outcome may seem obvious. Actual experiences often bring new valuable insights.
Naast het belang van actief bewustzijn bij zelfontplooiing laat de kunstenaar ook heel mooi de kwetsbaarheid zien… Ik vind ‘t prachtig…