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Isabela Verhagen

25 July 2020 - 28 August 2020

We live in a world where it is normal to be able to buy everything we want. Everything can be delivered to our doorstep with just one click on your computer and it probably won’t take them longer than two days. But this kind of consumer behavior has major consequences for the global warming. WAKE shows two sides of this issue: the fact that we buy without thinking of the now lost resources and the fact that we turn those purchases without any problem into garbage. Isabela Verhagen shows, by means of an overall made of receipts, that we should buy more consciously and shines a new light on recycling materials that we now automatically throw away.

Isabela Verhagen is a third-year Fashion Design student at the HKU and recently completed an internship with Pauline van Dongen, a designer who works with wearable technology. Isabela herself mainly designs with social issues as her subjects, like the refugee issue or the influence consumerism on the global warming.  Her main goal is to create awareness among the visitors, she shows the other side of the story. In her projects she uses traditional techniques like weaving in combination with new or unusual materials.






