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An endless directionless road trip on the roundabout

Jonathan Stavleu

7 October 2019 - 25 October 2019

In the month of October you can find my room filled with  little sculptural installations made out of found materials. These found materials are put together into a little narrative, where the objects are used as words. They transform the sculpture into a sentence. Through these narratives, Stavleu tries to create a little world that exists in its own time and space. 

He attempts to create an interaction with his audience, which is similar to the one you have in the cinema, where there is only you and the world that is created for you on the screen. He’ll attempt this by often including movement, sound and controlled light into his work. His works are always very open and honest in what they present. He will for instance never hide elements like the extension cords that give his sculptures electricity. For this exhibition the artist will show 3 or 4 new works that he made after his graduation from the Utrecht University of Fine Arts.
