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Maria Makridis

2 December 2018 - 31 December 2018

With her exhibition Defragmentation Maria Makridis poses the question: ‘What will be left from the authentic experience if it goes through several layers? Is there even such thing as ‘the authentic’?
The way we know the world keeps changing, but breaking down her surroundings helps Makridis to increase her understanding of what is happening. In the future, the only way to experience our surroundings from the past might be through memories or if they eventually fade, a digitally composed simulation.

About the title of her exhibition, Makridis states: “The term ‘defragmentation’ refers to the act of rearranging data on a hard disk, to improve the readability of it. In my work, I consider my mind as the hard disk and the data as the world around me.” She depicts her astonishment for the world by taking everyday pieces of the reality as we know it, whereafter she puts these in a new context showing how our surroundings consist of multiple layers, which do not fit together separately. By using several digital techniques she puts the emphasis on digitalization as well as how this affects our view on our surroundings.In 2018 Maria Makridis graduated from de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht (HKU) and takes special interest in themes like consumerism, the relation between man and technology and the perception of reality and the artificial, which she finds to be hardly distinguishable in current society.

